That’s me, during my T-5 Ignite talk about the Galaxy Zoo
- first of all the organizers of the SpaceUp introduced thereselves and told about the program.
- this was followed by an introduction of everyone present, with three words per person spoken. Well three, that was a bit difficult for some of us, 🙂
- Then there was a sort of memorial to Neil Armstrong, who died last month. Let’s wink to the moon tonight for him!
- After the lunch the programma started with the presentations, first the T-5 talks. I was part of that, as being the fifth to do a T-5 talk. I spoke about the Galaxy Zoo (see photo), here it is on YouTube – thanks to Jürgen. No tomatoes, no boooohhhhhsss, phhhhheewwww….
- After that the longer presentations followed, of which I made some video’s. The first of them where without audio, blehhhh…. But after battling with the techniques I succeeded in restoring the audia.
- A virtual contribution from the United States was brought by Emili Lakdawalla (Planetary Society) and astronaut Ron Garan, who spoke to the audience via a Google Hangout event,\\.
So far the SpaceUp unconference is great, the audience is mixed (15 countries) and interested, the atmosphere is warm and exciting. Later we’ll go to the cosmodrome to watch a movie and after that we’ll have dinner. Later blogs on this will folow.
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