15 mei 2024

9 maart ‘Hoboken Lecture’ van Lord Martin John Rees

Credit: Natuurhistorisch Museum

Op woensdag 9 maart a.s. zal Lord Martin John Rees in het Natuurhistorisch Museum in Rotterdam de allereerste Hoboken Lecture geven, een lezing die de naam “From ‘Big Bang’ to Biosphere” heeft. De toegang tot de lezing is gratis, al moet je je er wel eerst voor aanmelden. Na de lezing is er nog gelegenheid tot het stellen van vragen, hetgeen verzorgd zal worden door Govert Schuilling, de bekende wetenschapsjournalist en -auteur. Hier het volledige programma van de Hoboken Lecture:

17:15Museum opens (Westzeedijk 345, Rotterdam): free entrance to the exhibits
18:00Welcome and introduction: Professor Jelle Reumer, Director Natural History Museum
18:05 - 18:50Hoboken Lecture From Big Bang to Biosphere: Lord Martin John Rees, Astronomer Royal
18:50 - 19:00Q&A: moderated by Govert Schilling, science journalist
19:00 - 19:15Closing musical performance (Haydn): Codarts students
19:15 Closing remarks: Martin Hope, Director British Council Benelux and EU office
19:15 - 20:00Drinks, reception
20:00Museum closes, end of the programme

En dan de grote vraag waar de lezing precies over zal gaan. Welnu, dit kunnen we verwachten:

From ‘Big Bang’ to BiosphereAstronomers have made astonishing progress in probing our cosmic environment, thanks to advanced technology. We can trace cosmic history from some mysterious ‘beginning’ nearly 14 billion years ago, and understand in outline the emergence of atoms, galaxies, stars and planets — and how, on at least one planet, life emerged and developed a complex biosphere of which we are part. But these advances pose new questions: What does the long-range future hold? How widespread is life in our cosmos? Should we be surprised that the physical laws permitted the emergence of complexity? and Is physical reality even more extensive than the domain that our telescopes can probe? This illustrated lecture will attempt to address such issues.

Bron: Hoboken Lecture. tip voor deze Astroblog kwam via Twitter van @fvkwnl. Frans, Thanx!


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