13 juni 2024

Wie doet er mee met de SpaceUp Onconferentie?

Ik ontving vandaag een mail van Edwin Mathlener van Stichting ‘De Koepel’ met daarin een nieuwsbrief over de komende SpaceUp Onconferentie, welke 22 en 23 september 2012 zal worden gehouden in het Cosmodrome in Genk, België. Eh… onconferentie? Yep, goed gelezen. Lees hieronder maar wat dat precies inhoudt en of het iets voor jou is.

What is SpaceUp?

SpaceUp is a space unconference, where participants decide the topics, schedule, and structure of the event. The term “unconference” can be applied to a wide range of gatherings that try to avoid common aspects of conventional conferences, such as high fees, sponsored presentations, and top-down organization. Unconferences have been held about technology, science, transit, and even cupcakes, but this is the first one focused on space exploration. SpaceUp is a forum where new and exciting ideas are exchanged and furthered on how space exploration and exploitation will advance in the years to come. SpaceUp is Space 2.0 at its best! SpaceUp Europe 2012 is the first occurrence of SpaceUp outside the USA. It will be a great opportunity for Europeans to get acquainted with this established U.S. tradition and such an innovative concept.

Who is it for?

SpaceUp attracts a cross-section of space professionals, ranging from scientists, engineers, innovators, entrepreneurs, government space institutions, and space industry representatives. While the topic of SpaceUp is focused on space, the attendees are intentionally not limited to space industry insiders. Business people, students, social media specialists and non-experts, such as space enthusiasts and artists are all welcome to express their opinions and to run sessions. Past US SpaceUp events have seen representation from NASA, NASA contractors, SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, XCOR Aerospace, and more! Europe’s first attempt to a SpaceUp event is actively supported and endorsed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR).

When and where?

SpaceUp Europe will be held 22 and 23 September 2012, at the Cosmodrome in Genk, Belgium. The Cosmodrome is a modern space environment, ideally situated in the heart of Europe, within easy driving distance from Belgium, the Netherlands, West and Central Germany and Northern France.

What to expect at SpaceUp Europe?

100-150 participants are estimated to attend. Initial feedback across social media shows great enthusiasm and anticipation from a wide range of professions and disciplines. ” Talks will be made in a plenary session and 3-4 parallel sessions. All participants are eligible to make a presentation. They are able to create sessions and add to the schedule. ” Sessions include 5-minute T-minus-FIVE lightning talks, pecha kucha presentations and 30-minute slots for presentations, movies, panel discussions and any other creative ideas, such as live demonstrations, project showcases, and training sessions. ” Proceedings will be virtual attended via live webcasts and interaction via social media. After the event, SpaceUp Europe proceedings will be uploaded on Youtube. Surrounding social activities include: Saturday evening dinner, a planetarium show and (weather permitting) night-sky observation at the on-site observatory. Lots of networking and R&R opportunities!

Meer info: http://www.spaceup.org/europe.



  1. Edwin Mathlener zegt

    Uh, de enige reden dat ik dit verstuurde via de KNVWS-mailinglist, is omdat organisator Marco Frissen de mail zelf niet via die lijst kon versturen door een technisch probleempje. De Koepel is niet betrokken bij de organisatie van deze activiteit. Zelf kan ik er helaas ook niet naartoe, want ik heb al lang geleden een vakantie besproken. Ook leuk 🙂

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