Michael Collins, een van de drie astronauten die (op afstand) deelnam aan de historische bemande landing op de maan in 1969, is woensdag overleden. Zijn familie meldt dat Collins, die 90 jaar was, overleden is aan de gevolgen van kanker. Collins was juli 1969 de piloot van de commandomodule en, terwijl zijn collega’s Neil Armstrong en Buzz Aldrin op de Maan verbleven, bleef hij hierin achter en cirkelde 60 keer om de Maan – 28 uur lang – alvorens Armstrong en Aldrin weer aankoppelden aan de module. Hij wordt om die reden ook wel eens de “vergeten astronaut” genoemd. Van de Apollo 11 bemanning is alleen Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin (91) nog in leven. De eerste mens op de maan, Neil Armstrong, stierf in 2012.
Hieronder de verklaring die de NASA vandaag uitbracht.
“Today the nation lost a true pioneer and lifelong advocate for exploration in astronaut Michael Collins. As pilot of the Apollo 11 command module – some called him ‘the loneliest man in history’ – while his colleagues walked on the Moon for the first time, he helped our nation achieve a defining milestone. He also distinguished himself in the Gemini Program and as an Air Force pilot.
“Michael remained a tireless promoter of space. ‘Exploration is not a choice, really, it’s an imperative,’ he said. Intensely thoughtful about his experience in orbit, he added, ‘What would be worth recording is what kind of civilization we Earthlings created and whether or not we ventured out into other parts of the galaxy.’
“His own signature accomplishments, his writings about his experiences, and his leadership of the National Air and Space Museum helped gain wide exposure for the work of all the men and women who have helped our nation push itself to greatness in aviation and space. There is no doubt he inspired a new generation of scientists, engineers, test pilots, and astronauts.
“NASA mourns the loss of this accomplished pilot and astronaut, a friend of all who seek to push the envelope of human potential. Whether his work was behind the scenes or on full view, his legacy will always be as one of the leaders who took America’s first steps into the cosmos. And his spirit will go with us as we venture toward farther horizons.”
Bron: NASA
Michael Collins was in mijn ogen minstens zo’n held als Armstrong en Aldrin. Hij was immers als eerste in de geschiedenis volkomen geïsoleerd van de rest van de mensheid als de commandomodule achter de maan zat. Armstrong en Aldrin konden de aarde gewoon zien en hadden voortdurend radiocontact, maar Collins niet. Die was telkens werkelijk helemaal alleen.
Ik hoop voor Aldrin dat hij de eerstvolgende maanlanding nog mag meemaken.
Gert (Enceladus)